March 8, 2017

First signs of spring

Spring is coming! Here's a few signs I've found during a quick walk around our farmhouse.

 The day lillies in the backyard bed are starting to put up their green sprouts. I hope to divide and transplant them this year.

 All 5 of the peony bushes are putting up their pink sprouts, some are larger than others. I put a brick by each bush to mark where they are. I plan on putting a permanent border and mulch around each one, plus a little flag so the lawn care guys don't mow them over again.

I found this pretty purple bud in the front yard bed where we had wildflowers and a few gladiolus last year. I'm wondering if I left a gladiolus bulb behind last fall because it certainly doesn't look like a zinnia or cosmos.

February 3, 2017

Planning our 2017 garden

The overall plan for the year is to add lots and lots of flowers, particularly perennials. There will be some grown from seeds but also some potted plants from local nurseries.

Full shade bed - My original thought process for this shady corner was to remove the existing hosta and start with a clean slate. But instead I've been thinking of keeping the hosta (since it's already established and quite big) and adding several shade loving perennials around it. I've been considering adding 2 more Endless Summer hydrangeas that will be planted behind the hosta, and the potted hydrangea will remain in its pot.

Partial sun bed - This bed will be all perennials, or at least a majority of them. This is the bed that held wildflowers last year and I loved them, but they were a bit...wild. ;) I'm looking for a bit more structure since this is the bed you see when you approach the house.

Full sun bed, side porch - This bed will be all roses! The two potted roses will remain in place and there will be several more roses planted in the bed. Colors and varieties are still to be determined, and I'm also considering planting some low growing annuals around the base and along the borders.

Full sun bed, backyard - After having so much trouble keeping weeds under control last year, my original thought was to remove this bed all together. But I've since reconsidered. :) The plan now is to "fortify the wall" against the weeds. Before it just had a scallop brick border, allowing the weeds to 'jump' over it. I really want to build up the wall higher, 2-3 bricks high to give this bed more presence. Then it will have a mix of annuals and perennials in it. Since this is an 'island' bed, the tallest flowers will be in the center and stepping down from there to the shortest in front. The day lily that was here last year will more than likely be split and replanted. And there will be a lot of wildflowers in this bed! I want it to be more informal, in the cottage garden style.

Container garden - This year as a homeschool project for my son, the plan is for him to pick out a vegetable to grow in his own container. He hasn't decided on what vegetable yet but we're hoping it will produce a good harvest for us to enjoy. I'm also considering growing a tea garden in containers. I'm particularly looking at German chamomile, English lavender, and echinacea with the hope of harvesting it for future tea.

Along the creek - We have a creek in our backyard that has trees along its bank. My plan is to plant lots and lots of wildflowers along the bank and among the trees. I have no idea if the seeds will sprout or the birds will get them first, but I'm hoping that with a little care they will come back every year and bring color to the backyard.

January 26, 2017


Welcome to my garden notebook!

I haven't been able to have a "real" garden in several years so when we moved to our little farmhouse I jumped at the chance to grow something. First it was just a handful of wildflowers, then it was gladiolus bulbs, sunflowers, and pumpkins. My dream is to one day grow my own fruits and vegetables in addition to flowers.

I'm using this blog as a way to track what goes on in my garden, through notes and photos. I'm a complete amateur and this garden is work in progress, but I love seeing the fruits of my labor.